Making the web faster and more user-friendly
Talk: How I made the web more responsive — real-world case studies of INP optimizations
In May 2024, I started speaking at conferences and meetups about improving web responsiveness. My talks focus on debugging and preventing slow interactions, drawing from my experience auditing Interaction to Next Paint (INP) on dozens of clients' websites.
After providing an initial explanation of INP, I demonstrate how to debug slow interactions using both Chrome DevTools and Real User Monitoring (RUM) data. I then illustrate three common mistakes I encountered while auditing INP on dozens of websites and explain how to avoid them to ensure snappy user interactions and keep your INP below 200 milliseconds.
We Love Speed, Nantes 🇫🇷 - #

The title of the talk was "How I made the web more responsive - real-world case studies of INP optimizations", in French "Comment j’ai rendu le web plus réactif — études de cas concrets d’optimisations d’INP".
We Make Future, Bologna 🇮🇹 - #

The title of the talk, in Italian, was "Migliorare la reattività del web — Guida pratica per debug e prevenzione delle interazioni lente".
Google Developer Group, Madrid 🇪🇸 - #

The title of the talk in Spanish was: "Hagamos que la web sea mas responsive en 2024".
Bologna JS, Bologna 🇮🇹 - #

Google Developer Group, Bologna 🇮🇹 - #

Title: "Come ho reso il web più reattivo - Guida pratica di come trovare ed evitare le interazioni lente."
DevRomagna, Faenza 🇮🇹 - #

Title: "Come ho reso il web più reattivo - Guida pratica di come trovare ed evitare le interazioni lente."