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Andrea Verlicchi

Making the web faster and more user-friendly


  1. Talk: Enhancing web responsiveness. Debugging and avoiding slow interactions

    Videos, slides, dates and locations of my web performance talk I brought at conferences, Google Developer Groups (GDG) and meetups around Europe.

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  2. Talk: How and Why ($) to optimize web performance in 2023

    In 2023 I've been speaking about web performance at conferences, Google Developer Groups (GDG) and local meetups all over Europe. The title of this talk is "How and Why ($) to improve web performance, practical tips for 2023".

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  3. Talk: Get speedy with responsive images - LazyLoad Conference 2022

    On June 24th, 2022 I spoke about how to automate responsive images optimisation at the LazyLoad Conference 2022. Here's the video of my talk.

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  4. Talk: Images optimisation 4.0, automate your work with a user-centric approach - CSS Day 2022

    On April 1st 2022 I spoke about responsive images optimisation 4.0 at the CSS Day Conference 2022 in Faenza, Italy. This talk – in Italian language – is on how to become more productive by automating responsive images.

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