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Andrea Verlicchi

Making the web faster and more user-friendly

Tagged “web performance”

  1. Talk: Enhancing web responsiveness. Debugging and avoiding slow interactions

    Videos, slides, dates and locations of my web performance talk I brought at conferences, Google Developer Groups (GDG) and meetups around Europe.

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  2. Jake Archibald's talk "In the loop", transposed

    Jake Archibald's talk "In the loop" is still one of the best sources of information on how browsers process tasks and are able to respond to user input. As I didn't find anything as comprehensible as that in text format, I transposed his talk into this blog post.

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  3. How to use scheduler.yield to improve web pages responsiveness

    Google Chrome is introducing a new feature called scheduler.yield. This feature allows web developers to explicitly tell the browser to yield control to the main thread. Here are the key points.

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  4. Preparing for Interaction to Next Paint (INP), a new Core Web Vital starting March 2024

    As a web performance consultant, I'm always on the lookout for new developments that impact the user experience of websites. One such upcoming change is the introduction of a new metric called Interaction to Next Paint (INP) by Google. Set to become a Core Web Vital in March 2024, INP is designed to measure the time it takes for a website to respond to user interactions. In this blog post, we will delve into what INP is, why it matters, and how companies can prepare themselves to ensure their websites meet this crucial web performance metric.

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  5. Talk: How and Why ($) to optimize web performance in 2023

    In 2023 I've been speaking about web performance at conferences, Google Developer Groups (GDG) and local meetups all over Europe. The title of this talk is "How and Why ($) to improve web performance, practical tips for 2023".

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  6. Quicklink case study: faster pages, increased page views

    Quicklink is a lightweight library created by Addy Osmani (Google) that prefetches pages linked to the current page, as the links to those pages enter the visible portion of the page (viewport). Here's a case study for it.

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  7. How to cap image fidelity to 2x and save 45% image weight on high-end mobile phones

    With the rise of very high density “super retina” displays in the newest high-end devices, capping image fidelity to 2x leads to a big improvement in terms of rendering speed, and no perceivable quality loss for your users. Here’s a new best practice on how to do that.

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  8. Critical CSS with Jekyll and SASS

    My blog used to be run by Jekyll on GitHub pages and its CSS was built using SASS. Today I decided to boost performance even more inlining the render-blocking critical CSS, but even searching the internet I struggled to find an easy way to do it. This post is for you, in case you want to do the same.

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  9. Responsive images, an HTML 5.1 standard

    It's official. Responsive images are a W3C recommendation since November 2016, featuring the brand new picture tag and new attributes for the img tag: srcset and sizes

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  10. A new LazyLoad to improve your website performance

    In the latest days I've been working on websites performance optimization and I realized that there is no way to take advantage of the progressive JPEG image format on websites if you're using jQuery_lazyload from Mika Tuupola, so I decided to write my own lazy load, which turned to be better for multiple reasons.

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